Strawberry Cake – A Yummy-licious Bake

We all love cakes. For any special occasion be it a birthday, anniversary or even as an appreciation – cake is always part of the menu. But why should we always hop to the nearest – or our favourite – confectionery and purchase a cake? Let make the occasion even more special by baking the sweet dessert ourselves.

To help you, here a tasty, eggless recipe to a yummy strawberry cake


Egg-free philsberry (sponge premix)————–300gm
Whipped cream————————————-200gm
Fresh Strawberry ———————————-250gm (for topping)
Chopped strawberry——————————100gm
Rosted  Almond slice————————————–50gm


1. Mix egg-free premix and water together and whisk it properly until making a smooth batter.
2. Line the cake mould with butter and pour the mixture and bake it 180c to 15min.
3. Check with a knife if the sponge cake is done de-mould from mould and keep it for cooling.
4. After cooling cut this sponge in three equal parts, layer the sponge with chopped strawberry and whipped cream.
5. Mask the cake with whipped cream, and arrange fresh strawberry on top.
6. Coved all the side of cake with roasted almond and serve.

For more such yummy recipes, stay tuned to The Brunette Diaries

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