When the first shower of rains hit the earth, we earthlings rejoice as the scorching summer has finally ended. However, the happiness we feel when it rains isn’t shared by our animal friends. This season is a stressful time for your pets. Monsoon season pet care involves special care and attention from you.

Immunisation And Vaccination

Our furry friends are likely to be victims of rabies, aggravated flea infections, fungal infections, gastro enteritis, feline flu, etc during the monsoons. These, however, can be easily treated by the vet. Regular immunity shots and vaccines are essential to maintain good health.

There are no vaccinations for birds, the best thing you can do for them is ensure they are kept indoors at all times, not even the balcony will do. Keep them in a dry place and don’t forget to change their water regularly. Stagnant water breeds germs.

Also read: Care For Your Dog: 6 Common Mistakes To Avoid

Breathing Problems

As a result of the high moisture content in the air it is likely that your pet will suffer from respiratory diseases. They mostly suffer from respiratory tract infections which may also be related to an allergy. Cats are especially prone to this condition. To keep your pets comfortable, make sure their surroundings are dry and warm. Avoid air-conditioners and coolers.

High Humidity

The high levels of humidity in this season make their wet fur smell. Damp fur is a breeding ground for fleas and worms. Medicated talc and deodorants will help you tackle the smell and avoid fungal infections, while a constant check for worms and fleas is essential.

The high humidity has harmful effects on the health of your feathered friends as well. They can undergo skin infections and feather loss. Use topical anti-bacterial lotions to avoid this and keep them healthy.

Also read: Keep Your Beloved Pet Stress Free!

Bed And Bath

Don’t let your pets sleep on the floor during the rains. The cold floor may cause them to catch a cold. Prepare warm bedding for them, and make sure it is clean and dry at all times.

Bathing your pets may be required more often than usual, as going outdoors will result in them returning home covered in muck. Since a regular water bath isn’t advisable either, try investing in a dry shampoo for your pet.

As for birds, try and avoid baths for them as they are most likely to catch a cold because of it.


Give your pets ample food and fresh clean water, but don’t overdo it. Give them their prescribed dietary recommendation only, and don’t overfeed them. Vomiting and diarrhoea is common during the monsoon. Maintain a healthy diet for them, to keep their tummies functioning smoothly.

Exercise And Indoor Activities

Our pets, especially dogs, love the outdoors, but because of the downpour outside one must limit their outings. This may result in them becoming lazy and lethargic which isn’t very healthy for them. Get creative and come up with fun activities to do with your pets indoors. Your aim is to keep them busy, moving and active.

Also read: 5 Things That Cats Dislike Like Hell

Fashionable Monsoon Wear

When your pets do go out, cover them in some trendy pet wear. There are so many colourful options available in the market, that not only make your pets look adorable, but also serve as great protection against the downpour.

Things you should remember:

The sound of thunder is extremely unpleasing to your pets. Turn on the television to keep them distracted and mask the thunder’s noise.

Keep them dry at all times.

Don’t let them eat stale food and water. Give them a fresh meal in a clean dish.

Keep birds far from moisture and water.

Baby pets need extra attention and care.

At the slightest sign of an infection or itch, take them to a vet immediately; don’t medicate them yourself. Remember you aren’t a vet (unless you actually are one).

Lastly, keep in mind prevention is better than cure. Monsoon season pet care requires efforts from your side. Your pets are your responsibility; don’t be lazy in caring for them.

We always get our pets vaccinated, thinking we may catch something off of them. But have you ever thought what if your dog could catch some disease because of you? Yes, unknowingly you could spread these 5 diseases to your best friend. Think about it, who is the first to comfort you when you’re sick and blue? Cuddles and kisses are lovable but it should be highly avoided during sickness. 

1)    Ring Worm

This common fungal infection is the easiest to spread as it spreads through direct skin contact, and we all know how cuddly dogs can get. The fungus appears as a raised, red circular rash on the skin that’s sometimes flaky and itchy. Dogs can’t resist a good scratch, so you’ll need to treat the infection with anti-fungal medications. 

2)    Flu

If you’re down for the count with a flu bug, your dog could come down with it, too. The symptoms will be similar; you’ll both feel achy and have respiratory issues such as coughing and sneezing, but there’s no special treatment your pup will need. Like humans with the flu, your pet will have to ride it out.

3)    Giardia

Giardia is an intestinal parasite that comes from drinking contaminated water, usually improperly treated or untreated water from a stream or lake. Stomach upset and diarrhea are the main symptoms. Dogs love to lick, so be prompt about washing your hands post using the toilet, also if you have a pup who likes to drink out of the toilet, that can be major trouble. 

4)    Lung Cancer

Are you a smoker? Second hand smoke can be bad for both humans and DOGS. Dogs (and other pets) are actually more sensitive to the pollutants in second-hand smoke than humans, leaving them at risk for a variety of health issues and diseases such as weight gain and cancer. For the sake of your pet’s health and well yours too, QUIT SMOKING! 

5)    Mumps 

Mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus that passes from one person to another through saliva, nasal secretions, and close personal contact. Your dog can catch the mumps from you or your children, and he’ll feel lousy, with general discomfort, possibly a fever, and swelling of the salivary glands. 

So, make sure of keeping a check on your pet’s health from time to time 🙂