I’ve been cribbing for a dog all my life, but the fact that I’ve kept moving cities and living alone stops me. Nevertheless, it’s a dream that I will fulfil when the time is right 🙂

Ever noticed how even an amusing doggy video cracks you up right in the middle of a stressful day? Well, that’s the happiness they spread! Apart from unconditional love, there are a number of things that you can learn from your pet. Even the ones who are scared of canines can take life lessons from them. Listing the things that we all can imbibe from doggies 🙂

Also Read: How To Pet A Dog Without Upsetting It

Living In The Moment

Dogs are stress busters because they don’t believe in living in the past or the future. All they know is the present moment and making the most of it. Can we humans learn to stop dwelling in the past and worrying about the future?

Forgive And Forget

Unlike us, dogs don’t hold grudges. If you haven’t noticed, your dog will not show resentment if you didn’t give him a treat last night.

Be Expressive

A dog loves you and he shows it; he doesn’t stress about what your reaction would be. Perhaps we, too, should learn how to express our feelings to our loved ones. Isn’t it amazing how they can be so much more expressive without being able to communicate with words!

Also Read: TBD Pet Love: Tips To Deal With An Extra Naughty Dog

Don’t Be Judgemental

Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni once said that his dog doesn’t judge him, irrespective of the fact whether he’s won or lost a match. Be that way and love unconditionally!

Be Grateful

No matter how long you’ve stayed with your dog, notice how it always looks at you gratefully every time you give it a treat. In the same way, you need to stop taking people for granted and be grateful fr whatever little they do.

So, the next time you’re out playing fetch with your pooch, spare a thoughtful moment and learn what it is subconsciously teaching you 🙂

Also Read: Pet Tips: How To Photograph Your Pet The Right Way!

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