Let’s admit it – summers are real bad in India. Isn’t the heat unbearable for us? Now imagine how terrible your pet dog feels during the summer months! The summer season is when your furry friend is at the risk of flea problems and heat strokes. If you have a canine companion, it’s your duty to look after your dog’s health during those crucial months of the year. With the encroaching summer season, let us tell you beforehand about the things you can do to protect your dog during summers.

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– Never leave your dog trapped in a car. Temperatures rise rapidly in a closed car and your dog can be seriously ill by the time you return.

Don’t make the mistake of leaving your dog behind in a closed car

– Make sure your pet has unlimited access to fresh and cool water. Place multiple bowls instead of one and keep it in a shady spot. You could also add some ice cubes to his water bowls on really hot days. He’s surely gonna like it 🙂
– Schedule those walks either early mornings or late evenings. Save yourself and your pet from the harmful summer heat by staying indoors during the daytime.
– When you are out with your doggy during the daytime, make sure that he has enough access to shade. His paws can get burnt by continuously walking on hot surfaces.

Also Read: 7 Places To Take Your Dog For A Delightful Outing

– Consult your veterinarian for ways to keep your pet free from external parasites. Dogs are susceptible to flea and tick attacks during the summer months. Take help of the products that are available in the market and check your dog’s coat frequently for any signs of parasites.
– An exciting way to keep your dog some respite from the heat is to freeze some tasty treats for him. It will keep him cool and happy.

Frozen treats are the best for your dog during the summer season

– Try placing a fan that blows directly on your pet, instead of switching on the air-conditioner for him.
– A trim works for many long-haired dogs. Do consult your veterinarian to know the correct length and method of trimming your dog’s hair.

Also Read: Grooming Tips To Curb Excessive Shedding In Dogs

Some symptoms of your dog’s heat distress are vomiting, drooling, fatigue, diarrhea and breathing problems.  Take him for an urgent visit to your vet because it is potential danger for your dog. Stay alert to the needs of your furry friend and protect your dog during summers.

Also Read: 5 Movies Every Dog Lover Must Watch At Least Once

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