You may find yourself setting weight goals and in the process making unrealistic diet plans that you cannot stick to. There is no point sticking to this diet for a brief period and then going back to normal. What you need is a reasonable diet that can balance out your cravings and include discipline as well. Here are a few tips for long term weight loss:

Stay away from monotonous diets:
Including diet plans which absolutely cut out food that you love indulging in will cause extreme cravings in the long run. If you stick to a monotonous diet for a brief period and give up on it, you may end up eating more of that ‘prohibited’ food.
Gradually decrease portion size
Do not suddenly deprive yourself of food to achieve your weight goals. Your body will not be able to adjust to the sudden change in amount. Gradually decrease it to a level healthy enough to achieve your weight goals.
Plan your meals
As tough as this sounds, once you get into the habit of scheduling your meals it will be easy. A habit is a bit uncomfortable in the beginning, but gets easier later on. Train yourself to incorporate good habits like planning your meals and it will help you in the long run.
Incorporate seasonal indulgences
The season of mangoes is here! Have you planned on indulging? Some may stay away from it because it is heaty. But if you love it, then some of it can do no harm. Just understand that too much of anything is bad for you. This applies to other food as well; like, in the Christmas season!
Incorporate things you do not prefer
Obviously, we all have certain food that we abhor. Slowly incorporating foods like these into tastier foods that we enjoy is the answer. Try adding leafy vegetables to your chicken sandwich. Slowly but surely you will develop a liking to it as food preferences have a lot to do with classical conditioning.

Try your best to be reasonable about your diet. Do not fly too high with your weight loss chase but at the same time do not graze the ground. Keep it simple and stick to it.