There are certain kinds of food that have a positive impact on your weight loss goals and some that have a negative. Most of us are looking for that positive impact – in other words – to lose weight. But there are some who are looking to put on some mass and this can be a challenge also. Here are some different categories of food items that have a big impact on your weight loss or weight gain ambitions:
Food that correlates to weight gain includes:
Potato chips
High in starch content, potato chips are a stockroom of fats. Potato chips also contain a great deal of salt for taste. Its deep fried nature traps oil unlike most other food and these characteristics together can cause severe weight fluctuations due to bloating.
Sugar beverages
Sugar based beverages increase the overall intake of sugar in the body. This increase is directly related to calorie levels; and higher calorie levels means higher risk of weight gain – especially when the intake is that of sugar, lots and lots of sugar.
Processed meats
Meats like salami and sausages are high in salt content. They also include unnatural preservatives which give it a longer shelf life. Besides being plain unhealthy, these food items cause steady weight gain.
Food that correlates to weight loss includes:
There is no surprise here, as veggies have been forced down our throats by our parents who have claimed that veggies are supremely healthy. We have been challenging this claim since childhood but as we’ve grown up, we have come to terms with the reality that veggies are the healthiest weight balancing food one can have, even in the long run.
Fruits are great in taste and high in not just protein, but vitamins and other minerals also. All in all, fruits are a perfect supplement to add to your diet to facilitate weight loss. Add a wholesome fruit diet to your meal plans and you will never regret it.
We may or may not have our favourite food in this list, but it is imperative to consider that to achieve our weight goals, we have to contemplate an element of sacrifice that is needed. If we can incorporate in or delete these food items from our diet, we will be on our way to achieving our goals!
That constant struggle between fitness and fatness can get you really frustrated! The war of junk food cravings over health is one that almost everybody fights. If you do have certain fitness goals to achieve, it is important to abstain from, or reduce the intake of junk food, but at times the cravings seem too strong. Here’s how you can resist it.
A particular food may be your weakness. Figure out what it may be. For instance, I have a weakness for two-minute noodles. Figure out what is your junk food favourite and it will be easier to abstain from it.
It is important to figure out what triggers you to indulge into junk food. The triggers may range from depression, boredom to medical conditions. Try to list down what exactly is your trigger, and if needed consult a doctor. You can also stay away from these triggers by keeping yourself busy.
Find replacements
Find healthy replacements
If you frequently have a craving for a particular food, consider replacing that food with a healthier alternative that is quite similar. For example, if you love sweets, try indulging in mango, which is a healthier alternative and may be equally tasty.
Another way to stay away from junk food is by eating healthy regularly. By doing this, you don’t leave space for unnecessary binging, which involves junk food, usually. Plan smaller meals, probably 5-6 a day, instead of the usual 3 meals a day.
Half size your portion if you indulge
If you do indulge, try making the portions of your junk food lesser. Only take a few bites of your dessert, or share your dessert or meal with a friend or partner. You can even try eating it slowly so that the brain is satiated.
Exercise will make you feel guilty to indulge in junk food
Exercising will make you feel guilty to indulge in junk food. This is because you are putting in effort to lose weight. Exercise can balance blood sugar levels and ease your digestion as well.
They say eat less to weigh less, well, not always. There are some super foods that make you lose weight by their sheer nutritional value. Now let us understand what we mean by lose weight. Lose weight = lose fat, not muscle! Losing weight involves building muscle, in fact. The more you build muscle, the faster you will lose fat. Here are a few foods that help you lose weight, the fat weight that is…
An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Well, it keeps the weight gain away as well! Apples are the ideal on-the-go low-calorie snack.
Organic beef is actually good for you! The protein in beef can actually help you gain muscle and increase your metabolism, which in turn, will help you burn more fat and lose weight.
One more food item that stacks on protein is an egg. Eggs are usually most healthy when boiled and it helps you lose weight as it builds muscle.
Besides being loaded with folate and disease-fighting antioxidants, they’re low in calories and high in fibre.
Most dieticians suggest plain yogurt as a great diet food. The reason being it can stave off hunger by keeping blood sugar levels steady.
Avocadoes are high in monounsaturated fats
Well, when you hear about the fat content in an avocado, you may be discouraged. However, this fat is monounsaturated fat and it increases satiety. Thus, preventing you from gorging on unnecessary junk food.
Olive oil
Just like avocado, olive oil also contains monounsaturated fat that increases satiety. Research has also shown that it has anti-inflammatory properties that prevents bloating.
You may find yourself setting weight goals and in the process making unrealistic diet plans that you cannot stick to. There is no point sticking to this diet for a brief period and then going back to normal. What you need is a reasonable diet that can balance out your cravings and include discipline as well. Here are a few tips for long term weight loss:
Stay away from monotonous diets:
Including diet plans which absolutely cut out food that you love indulging in will cause extreme cravings in the long run. If you stick to a monotonous diet for a brief period and give up on it, you may end up eating more of that ‘prohibited’ food.
Gradually decrease portion size
Do not suddenly deprive yourself of food to achieve your weight goals. Your body will not be able to adjust to the sudden change in amount. Gradually decrease it to a level healthy enough to achieve your weight goals.
Plan your meals
As tough as this sounds, once you get into the habit of scheduling your meals it will be easy. A habit is a bit uncomfortable in the beginning, but gets easier later on. Train yourself to incorporate good habits like planning your meals and it will help you in the long run.
Incorporate seasonal indulgences
The season of mangoes is here! Have you planned on indulging? Some may stay away from it because it is heaty. But if you love it, then some of it can do no harm. Just understand that too much of anything is bad for you. This applies to other food as well; like, in the Christmas season!
Incorporate things you do not prefer
Obviously, we all have certain food that we abhor. Slowly incorporating foods like these into tastier foods that we enjoy is the answer. Try adding leafy vegetables to your chicken sandwich. Slowly but surely you will develop a liking to it as food preferences have a lot to do with classical conditioning.
Try your best to be reasonable about your diet. Do not fly too high with your weight loss chase but at the same time do not graze the ground. Keep it simple and stick to it.
To lose those extra kilos, you do not have to starve yourself! Choose your food smartly and you will succeed. Here’s how you eat smart for easy weight loss.
Eat only because you are hungry
For everyone in this world, devouring a yummy chocolate is a sure-shot way of feeling good and overcoming that occasional gloom. But in that process, you tend to gather a lot of unwanted calories. Similarly, munching on chips or cheesy butter popcorn while watching a movie, also adds on to those tyres and baggy limbs. Thus, there is a difference between craving and feeling genuinely hungry. No, we’re not saying don’t give in to temptations. All that we are saying is, control your portions when it comes to craving. How? Have not more than a bite or two; and make these ‘bites’ last longer by eating extremely slowly and allowing your brain to register the taste and feel satiated.
Give in to your cravings, but control the portions
Downsize the shape and size of the plates you eat your food in. This will ensure a control in the portions you take. Keep a check on the number of meals you eat in a day. Break your daily intake over five-six small meals in a day rather than the usual three large meals.
Don’t overload your plate… and your tummy
Eating out
If you are dining out, opt for a smaller portion. Sharing or taking the food back home is a better idea, if you can’t avoid taking a small portion. Another way could be beginning your dinner with a non-creamy soup. Soups are delicious and filling, and will help you feel full sooner during the calorie-loaded main course. Buffets and unlimited thalis (repeat of dishes) are a complete no-no, as you tend to gorge on food to make full use of the money paid for it.
Don’t let the abundant spread at a buffet ruin your diet plan
Eat smart!
Watching what you eat is the easiest way to get rid of your dreaded muffin top. Avoiding oily stuff is the biggest key to weight loss. Ditto potatoes. If rice is the staple food in your household, then boil it and completely drain out the starchy water; this method of cooking rice is healthier than cooking it in a pressure cooker. Eating burgers and sandwiches sans butter and cheese also helps in avoiding extra calories. Pizzas and pastas should be strictly avoided. Your day should start with eating a healthy breakfast under 350 calories. Try and consume fat-burning food as they keep a check on your appetite, keep you from feeling famished and work on lowering the fat count in your body. Whenever you feel hungry between meals, munch on dry fruits and nuts as they make you feel full and also strengthen your muscles. Avoid the yellow and use only the whites in eggs. Use honey as sweetener in lieu of sugar. Guzzle down a mug of warm water before your lunch and dinner, as this will help you feel full faster.
Avoid oily food like these… and of course, potato!
All these are smart choices that can help you stay fit even when you are on-the-go. We wish you happy shedding of those last few extra kilos. All the best!
No matter how much effort you put into your workout, if your post workout habits are inappropriate, you’ll be losing out on your desired results. Pretty soon, you may find yourself de-motivated to work out and give up on your health goals. Therefore, it is necessary to maximise your workouts by paying attention to healthy post workout habits. Here we take a look at a few unhealthy post workout habits that you have.
Letting your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal levels cuts your risk of injury, according to experts. We hardly ever pay attention to this and return to our regular chores after a rigorous workout. The best solution is to end your workout with a light aerobic exercise to bring back your body to the normal resting levels gradually.
Stretching can prevent muscle soreness on the following day. Less soreness will mean you can hit the gym the sooner than ever and get back to working those muscles to attain your dream body!
Yogurt is a great post-workout snack
Nutrition helps your muscles repair after a break-down workout. A combination of carbs and protein, like yogurt or a handful of nuts, is a great post workout snack to revitalize your body!
Make sure you take a shower and change your clothes after a workout
This may or may not apply to you; however, there are some people out there who don’t change their clothes or wash their bodies after a workout. Gross as it sounds, it obviously has more to it than just plain dirtiness. It can lead to yeast infections!
Sleep is essential if you work out
Most people do not find the time to rest their bodies adequately due to hectic schedules. But what is important to note is that a good 7-8 hours of sleep is imperative for a person who works out.
You have read countless articles on what to eat and what not to eat and you pride yourself in being someone who takes good care of yourself. You have the strict resolve to eat healthy food and rarely ever slip off the health plateau. Raw fruits, Boiled veggies and Salads are your best friends. But did you know that your extreme awareness (read obsession) about eating healthy can lead to an eating disorder?
Orthorexia (used as a parallel with other eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa) is a fixation on eating only healthy or pure foods, or what an individual perceives as healthy or pure. Nutritionists and doctors have seen an increase in number of people who seem to have an obsession about eating only those food items which they feel are healthy for them.
Aarti Shah, a 26 year old is one such person. Being health conscious, Aarti decided to restrict the intake of salt and sugar in her diet. “My mom’s got diabetes and my dad suffers from high blood pressure. Over time as I read up and realised that I could too suffer from the same ailments. Hence, I decided to restrict my diet of sugar and salt. It wasn’t even difficult as my parents followed the same routine. In spite of optimizing my diet, I fell seriously ill last year. I used to feel exhausted and drained all the time even though I wasn’t doing anything strenuous. Through body check up I was surprised to learn that told I had some imbalance of sodium and potassium in my body. Basically the lack of essential minerals like sodium and glucose made me feel lethargic. It was then that I realised that one needs to have things in moderation and not completely cut out things from your diet without proper consultation from a doctor.”
Practising gynaecologist, Dr. Darshna Thakker, has often come across people who are obsessed on eating right and in turn end up harming themselves. “The problem is with so much awareness, there are number of people who get too obsessed on what they are eating but then in their effort to eat healthy and pure food they tend to miss out on a balanced diet. Also each body’s requirements are different at different age groups. Everything needs to be done in a balance.”
Even though Orthorexia is not yet an officially recognised eating disorder, there are signs that one can note of suffering from it. – Being overly concerned with your eating habits. – Feeling the guilt of deviating from strict diet guidelines. – Having critical thoughts about others who do not adhere to rigorous diets. – Distancing from friends or family members who do not share similar views about food. – Avoiding eating food bought or prepared by others. – Worsening depression, mood swings or anxiety regarding food matters and habits.
“Eating healthy is always a good choice, but not at the cost of health and that includes psychological health. Nutritional deficiency can make one irritable and depressed. So make sure you choose right and be wise,” adds Dr. Darshna.
Ants, mouldy residue, dirty sink, dirty stove, and dirty food cabinets are some of the ways in which your kitchen can seem ugly. Usually, unless you have enough time on your hands, keeping your kitchen clean is not on the top of your agenda for the day. However, kitchen cleanliness is of utmost importance as it is the same place where your food comes from. Here are a few tips to keep your kitchen clean and protect against the following problems:
Let keeping your kitchen clean be at the top of your agenda
Ants can be a severe menace in your kitchen and they can infest the place if not taken care of in time. Usually, a solution of boric acid and water works like magic. Mix a tablespoon of boric acid powder in a cup of water and put the solution in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the trail of ants, along skirtings and even in the corners of kitchen cabinets.
Spoiling food
If you aren’t used to keeping your food in the fridge all the time, don’t forget that food gets spoilt faster in the summer than in the winter thanks to the excess heat. Hence, it is important to keep your kitchen cool. Opt for a window covering that prevents harsh sunlight from coming in the house.
Usually, you are not required to change your trash-can linen every day; but in the summer, leftover food tends to rot faster. If you don’t change your trash-can linen, it can leave your kitchen with a foul odour.
Dusting of all the kitchen appliances is one more necessary job. Your refrigerator, microwave, food cabinets and your gas stove are places you must keep dust and grease free as this can be a harbour for bacteria.
The kitchen platform can develop mouldy residue if not cleaned well. Therefore, it is important to give it a wash before you turn off the lights each night.
Clean the kitchen platform
Make sure you do all you can in your space of time and effort to keep your kitchen clean. Do not overlook this as it is imperative for healthy and clean food, and it lowers the risk of any disease.
When it comes to eating right, one of the worst things to do is treat it like a chore. And because our mentality has it that healthy food is boring, we don’t even take a minute before calling for pizza. But guess what? Comfort foods, like everybody’s favourite pizza, burger, or fries, can be made healthy too!
Of course, you’ll have to do away with all the bucket loads of oil and fattening ingredients that are not doing any good for your waistline. Today I’m going to share a few recipes for healthy homemade everyone’s favourite junk food, which will not give you a reason to worry about your weight!
Hot’n’crispy French fries:
Who loves hot crispy fries? I do! And because I can never satiate my cravings for a huge bag full of French fries I decided to make them healthier. Here’s how…
Baked french fries are a tasty yet healthy option to calm your junk food craving
You will need:
4 large potatoes or sweet potatoes if you want extra, extra healthy
One tablespoon olive oil
Salt as per taste
Method: Wash and cut the potatoes into thin long slices (you may keep a little bit of the skin on for taste and health benefits). In a large pan, boil some water and dunk the potatoes in with some salt. Once they’re done, drain them on a piece of clean cloth and give it a shake to make the edges a little rough. Drizzle a baking tray with olive oil and spread the potatoes out on the tray. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until golden brown and crisp. Yummy, crispy and healthy French fries are ready to serve. Don’t forget the salsa dip!
Hamburgers top everybody’s favourite foods list. When it comes to burgers, bigger is always better. But the best burger and the current favourite of mine is my mom’s recipe of a good healthy homemade one. It’s a must try.
When it comes to burgers, it’s always the bigger the better
Method: This one is no less than a food extravaganza. Get your chicken ham slices/veg patties and the burger buns grilled. Wash and slice the tomatoes and onions. Wash the lettuce and cabbage leaves thoroughly and pat them dry with a soft kitchen towel or simply spread them on a plate and put them in the freezer for 5-10 minutes. Now, once you’ve got all your ingredients handy, start piling them up in 2-4 layers however you like it. For a fun food session, let your family members do the stacking themselves! Vegetarians can make the same by using veg patties instead of the chicken.
Crunchy crust pizza: Pizzas may be a takeout speciality but once you try this pizza-made-healthy option you’ll definitely know why it’s better. Most times, the chewy pizza crust adds to the inches on our belly; so in this homemade variety I used the ever so healthy whole grain chapattis with a twist!
Whole wheat pizza can also be yummy! Try it to believe it.
Method: Combine the whole wheat flour and the all purpose flour with yeast, salt and hot water in a food processor, to make a light and fluffy dough. Knead well so that the dough is soft. Lightly flour a flat surface covered with plastic wrap; let the dough rest for 30 minutes maximum. Meanwhile, chop the olives, tomatoes, onions, jalapenos, and the herbs. Roll out the dough in circles or rectangles and use a fork or toothpick to prick it. Spread a thick layer of salsa spread on each rolled out crust. Top the pizza crust with the chopped veggies, herbs, and cottage cheese/chicken (or whatever you are using as a main ingredient) and season it with salt and pepper. Sprinkle the feta and mozzarella cheese on top and bake in a pre-heated oven at 450 degrees C for 10-12 minutes. Serve immediately.