ORGASM, there I said it! What is so taboo about it? Wait, is it that we aren’t allowed to talk about women orgasm or that it isn’t so important and hence it’s fading. What is so wrong if a woman wants to pleasure herself? Are only men allowed to be happy and their satisfaction is of utmost importance? Women-centric four short stories that makeup ‘Lust Stories‘, talk about subjects people usually avoid. What women are neglected and how they need to accept whatever that’s served on the plate.

Anurag Kashyap showed us how a woman becomes obsessive and possessive if she’s void of love or lonely. She enters into this clandestine affair with her eyes open, speaking of Amrita Pritam and Draupadi, and soon finds herself consumed by it, stalking the young man and wanting more, more, more. We are indeed watching a woman unravel, but we are also watching a woman lose control to possessiveness, reduced to behaving the way a man would.

Zoya Akhtar’s story may just be love without words. A sexual relationship between a bachelor and a maid who works for him. Until his parents arrive and find him a girl to marry. It is a minimal, beautiful film with Akhtar gradually and lovingly fetishising the very act of cleaning a house even as the maid begins to grow wistful. She enjoys screwing the master but it cannot lead anywhere. She knows she has no right to expect more, something she is reminded when she sees a fellow maid thrilled with discarded finery, and yet her hands tremble. For she can only dream but can never achieve it!

Banerjee showed us where actually a woman stands in most marriages, with her husband and her children. How she can be made so guilty for finding happiness in her life. For a woman to ask for a divorce is a sin. And how complicated things become, it is not okay to cheat on your spouse, but what if you are dead being with that person? You can’t leave your partner either, so what choice is she left with?

Karan Johar left us all with laughs but created a huge AF impact on many mindsets as well! To not be guilty to love yourself, and be proud of it. Being a woman, giving birth to children isn’t your only happiness. A shy young bride, having considered her entire life right upto the wedding-night as foreplay, quickly tires of the five-second intercourse her husband loves so much. Love is something that is still a taboo in our culture. Sadly, we still don’t have that many love marriages, we are not allowed to date, and our parents still decide who you are going to spend your life with.

From being possessive, not being able to dream big and make amends with your life, from having to be in a marriage that sucks the life out of you to be ashamed of loving yourself, women go through these phases and nobody wants to talk about it! Sex, marriage, divorce, affair, orgasm and lust, something that shouldn’t be taboo anymore and people need to speak up about it.

First off, Negging isn’t cool and no one should put up with a person’s negging. It is done purely to put a person down so much against their will to get what they want out of you. It can also be said as a form of manipulation and that is very toxic in any relationship!

What exactly is negging?

Negging is an act of emotional manipulation whereby a person makes a deliberate backhanded compliment or otherwise flirtatious remark to another person to undermine their confidence and increase their need of the manipulator’s approval.

Why Negging is an Actual Form of Abuse in Relationships?

Abuse comes in many shapes and forms, sometimes it’s not easy to spot, and sometimes it might not even come across as abuse, but all abuse, no matter the form, takes an emotional toll. One form of verbal abuse is known as negging. It occurs when an individual makes a backhanded compliment or insult that is designed to undermine that person’s confidence while simultaneously giving the insulter attention as they strive for their approval. In other words, one partner is constantly putting down the other one to get attention.

So now we know what negging is and many of us, who are in a relationship might’ve remembered many things their partners have said, which may be negging, if not so sure yet, read these few signs which will tell you whether you are in a toxic relationship or not!

1) They’re Narcissist

People who are never wrong while they put everyone down and talk themselves UP, are infact, NARCISSIST. A narcissist might seem ‘open‘ with you but in reality, they just love to talk about themselves, and aren’t actually interested in what’s going on in your life. If there is… a lack of vulnerability or sharing of true feelings or interests, not only can this start to paint the picture of what may be a narcissist, but you (might be) being negged.

2) Their compliments are always backhanded

“Wow, you’re actually pretty smart!” or “You can be so beautiful when you have makeup on!” By pointing out a negative, the (one being negged) focuses on the flaw and starts trying to fix it and gain their partner’s approval. If your partner seems to exclusively give you backhanded compliments that leave you feeling hurt and puzzled instead of bolstered and happy, that could mean they’re negging you.

3) They compare you to their exes

Occasionally mentioning an ex when it’s relevant is totally normal in a relationship. But if you’re being constantly compared to an ex by your partner, it’s probably because they’re trying to make you feel insecure and second-best as a way to make you want to ‘prove yourself‘ by sticking around. Not only they are feeding negative thoughts about your ownself into your mind but also manipulating you to be in a way your partner wants you to be.

4) They’re always so busy

Sorry babe I’m busy doing work”, “Hey I can’t meet I’m too busy” Obviously, sometimes people are just genuinely too busy to hang out. But if you’re seeing someone who is always too busy for you and makes no real effort to meet up or plan dates, that’s a red flag. Claiming to be busy all the time is a desperate attempt to show their pseudo-importance.

5) You’re the butt of the joke

Having to be able to joke around your partner and sharing laughs is great for a healthy relationship but constantly being the topic to be joked about, whether your insecurities or your habits and appearance can put your self-confidence down under the bus. If your partner often uses you as the butt of the joke that could be their way of trying to subtly put you down while passing it off as ‘humor’.

What to do if you are being negged?

If you have come to notice about your partner’s backhand compliments or jokes, or how busy their schedule is, the best you can do is to have a one-on-one conversation with them about this. You need to address the elephant in the room or it’ll damage you mentally.

Your partner’s reaction will say it all: if they’re shocked, upset, and willing to work on their behavior, then it might be worthwhile to give them a chance. But if your partner dismisses your feelings and refuses to take any blame, that’s your cue to GTFO of the relationship before their controlling, manipulative behavior escalates.

We hope this article helped you, share it with your friends, you never what really goes on inside any happy looking relationship, right?

People often fall in love with someone with whom they spend hours on end, and share the same passion as them. Office is one such place where spending long hours bring two people close to each other. If you already like a person at your workplace, it is important for you to know certain dos and don’ts. Nobody wants to end up with a broken heart or join the list of unemployed people because of their carelessness.

Don’t pounce on married people

You might be attracted to a colleague who is married and you may even find him/her best suited for you. But leave this man/woman alone. It is important to hold on to the principle of not breaking a marriage for selfish reasons. Fancying someone and trying to own someone are two different things. You can fancy anyone and everyone in your imaginations, but you cannot have them in real life. So, better keep the idea of dating a married colleague at bay.

Cautious flirting

Flirt cautiously. Others could be watching you!

It is important to make sure you keep your desires behind closed doors. Brushing past the person or giving away broad smiles even for a lame joke lets the cat out of the bag. Remember that you are not the only one at work. Your colleagues can easily notice your unexpected enthusiasm for only one person. You should never create such unwanted speculative atmosphere; it brings you close to being the topic of office gossip, not love.

Look forward to responses

There is no point if the flirting continues only from your side. Unless you get a response you will not be able to confirm the feeling to be mutual. Try becoming friends with that person. Many people put on their friendly mask at office, so it is likely that the person might not even notice your existence at work. Therefore, laying the foundation by making yourself visible is essential.

Beware of your company law

Each company has its own policies, which is why it is crucial for you to know your company rules and regulations. The last thing you want is to lose your love and job at the same time. Allegations of misconduct can be made. Therefore, read the contract thoroughly before you end up in trouble.

Don’t indulge in lustful sessions at office

Keep your sexual encounters away from the office

There could be some rooms in your office that are vacant more often than not. This does not give you the liberty of using that room for your sexual escapedes. What if someone enters the room during one of your sexual encounters? You wouldn’t want a random colleague, or anyone for that matter, to see you offering your bosoms to your lover-colleague, right? Also, avoid stealing a kiss or using the parking lot for momentary pleasure. These are all risky, especially in a professional environment. So, keep your passion in control when you are  in office.

What if someone sees you stealing a kiss?

Are you the only one?

What is the guarantee that the person is not flirting with other colleagues as well? It is very easy for them to take advantage of their sex appeal and try flirting with multiple co-workers. Therefore, ensure that you are risking for the right person. No one wants to end up embarrassed for being fooled with false emotions. Confirm each other’s love to be mutual with no other interference.