ORGASM, there I said it! What is so taboo about it? Wait, is it that we aren’t allowed to talk about women orgasm or that it isn’t so important and hence it’s fading. What is so wrong if a woman wants to pleasure herself? Are only men allowed to be happy and their satisfaction is of utmost importance? Women-centric four short stories that makeup ‘Lust Stories‘, talk about subjects people usually avoid. What women are neglected and how they need to accept whatever that’s served on the plate.

Anurag Kashyap showed us how a woman becomes obsessive and possessive if she’s void of love or lonely. She enters into this clandestine affair with her eyes open, speaking of Amrita Pritam and Draupadi, and soon finds herself consumed by it, stalking the young man and wanting more, more, more. We are indeed watching a woman unravel, but we are also watching a woman lose control to possessiveness, reduced to behaving the way a man would.

Zoya Akhtar’s story may just be love without words. A sexual relationship between a bachelor and a maid who works for him. Until his parents arrive and find him a girl to marry. It is a minimal, beautiful film with Akhtar gradually and lovingly fetishising the very act of cleaning a house even as the maid begins to grow wistful. She enjoys screwing the master but it cannot lead anywhere. She knows she has no right to expect more, something she is reminded when she sees a fellow maid thrilled with discarded finery, and yet her hands tremble. For she can only dream but can never achieve it!

Banerjee showed us where actually a woman stands in most marriages, with her husband and her children. How she can be made so guilty for finding happiness in her life. For a woman to ask for a divorce is a sin. And how complicated things become, it is not okay to cheat on your spouse, but what if you are dead being with that person? You can’t leave your partner either, so what choice is she left with?

Karan Johar left us all with laughs but created a huge AF impact on many mindsets as well! To not be guilty to love yourself, and be proud of it. Being a woman, giving birth to children isn’t your only happiness. A shy young bride, having considered her entire life right upto the wedding-night as foreplay, quickly tires of the five-second intercourse her husband loves so much. Love is something that is still a taboo in our culture. Sadly, we still don’t have that many love marriages, we are not allowed to date, and our parents still decide who you are going to spend your life with.

From being possessive, not being able to dream big and make amends with your life, from having to be in a marriage that sucks the life out of you to be ashamed of loving yourself, women go through these phases and nobody wants to talk about it! Sex, marriage, divorce, affair, orgasm and lust, something that shouldn’t be taboo anymore and people need to speak up about it.

Once your pregnancy is confirmed, there are several precautions you are bound to consider. There are umpteen books that guide and provide a step-by-step process and there is your family to shower loads of love till the tiny one finally enters the world.

Here are five things you should do without fail when you are pregnant.

1: Visit the doctor regularly

Your pre-natal appointments are important as they help to run a check on your vitals. It is essential to know the health condition of your baby from time to time; this determines how well you are doing. The doctor will assist you through your medications and prescribe necessary vitamins that may be lacking in your body. Therefore, prioritise appointments with your doctor.

2: Get your recommended dose of folic acid every day

What you eat will help in your baby’s growth. Therefore, having quality amount of folic acid in the food you consume is important. Folic acid reduces heart and spinal problems for the baby. Studies have shown that women who eat food rich in folic acid before and during their pregnancy have the least chance of having a baby with neural tube defect. Spinach, sprouts and green beans are rich in folic acid, but this is not enough for the baby.  Women suffering from medical issues like diabetes and sickle cell disease have to consume food highly rich in folic acid. It is better you consult your doctor to get the prescription for the daily dose of folic acid in your food.

3: It is important to stay relaxed

It is a common fact that women attend to household chores while men work. There might be situations when the washing machine, phone and food need attention at the same time. It is important for pregnant women to stay calm and take things at ease. If it is necessary for you to do the cleaning and washing, do them one at a time. Make sure you take frequent breaks to rest. Stress increases the chances of premature birth and, in some cases, abnormal baby. If you need help, join a local support group for pregnant women. Interacting with them can make you feel light. Who knows, they might have the same problems that you have. Sharing is caring; share your problems with them. In that way, you can make friends as well as be stress-free.

If you are a working woman, do not sit in front of your desk the whole day. Take frequent breaks and walk along the corridor of your office for some time. Excessive use of mobile phones, computers and other electronic gadgets does no good to your baby. Take snacks to office. Being pregnant can cause morning sickness; small snacks help you through such situations. Most important of all, do not forget to drink a lot of water.

4: Don’t be idle in your free time

Make the most out of your free time. Be it reading books or watching movies. Make sure it is the most entertaining hobby in your list. Watch a comedy film and laugh out loud. When the mother is happy, the baby automatically tends to be happy; this is the beauty of bearing a child. If you find joy in shopping, then retail therapy it is. Do anything, but do not sit idle in your free time. It will eventually end up as stress which is no good to you and your baby.

5: Have your own pregnancy photo shoot

Memories last a life time. Have a photo shoot every month to know the gradual growth of your baby’s temporary residence – your tummy. Else, take pictures with your family, friends and other relatives and don’t forget to focus the camera on your bump. Baby shower is the best time to click pictures. Proudly flaunt your bump in front of the camera and record your memories. Looking back at these pictures will give you a proud feeling. A miracle is inside your tummy. You are bearing a tiny baby in your womb. Who knows, tomorrow when your child grows up, he/she may want to see your gleaming face when you were pregnant with them.

Being pregnant is a gift, enjoy it.

‘Cosmetics enhance beauty’ is what most of us use them for. But, we hardly think that they can affect us more than we realize. Mounting research on this subject has raised certain concerns regarding the potential side effects of these products. The Chemicals present in the cosmetics and beauty products have shown various complications and side effects on the hormonal as well as the reproductive system of women.

Environmental chemicals and their effects on reproductive function have become a hot topic in the field of reproductive medicine. Most of the cosmetics including nail polish, anti-bacterial soaps, anti-aging creams, hair sprays and perfumes have a severe effect on female fertility due to the toxic chemicals present in it.

When asked the same question to Dr. Nitasha Gupta, Gynaecologist & IVF Specialist, Indira IVF Hospital from New Delhi, she had to say this, “In the recent years, several endocrine disrupting chemicals have been identified to affect abnormal ovarian function, miscarriages and female infertility. Soaps, the supreme germ killer, but antibacterial soap can also kill your chances of conceiving. Antibacterial soaps, contains chemical triclosan which is linked to endocrine disruption that mess up with your hormones and interfere with the reproductive system. Parabens are a type of preservative (soaps, shampoos and conditioner) used to prevent the growth of bacteria. But too much of it can have impact on fertility. When hormones are out of balance, the chances of creating healthy eggs or healthy sperm is reduced.”

Dr. Nitasha Gupta believes that beauty or cosmetics products do harm the fertility of a woman. In her opinion, With the presence of many volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, Phthalate like dibutyl Phthalate (DPT) and toluene as ingredients in nail polish, these chemicals pose a high risk to cause fertility issues, misconception and even birth defects. Women who polish their nails very frequently are at a greater concern in terms of facing fertility issues. Phthalates are known to cause infertility in both the males and females. It is sometimes advised for the people working in beauty salons for hours to take precautionary measures.

“Polish removers contain toxic chemicals too including acetone, methyl methacrylate, toluene and ethyl acetate. The most commonly used chemical is a solvent named toluene which is often used in cosmetics for getting glossy finish. This chemical is known to affect the central Nervous System (CNS) and harm to the reproductive system. Another such chemical which is more profound in beauty products are the phthalates, which are also a reason for disrupting the hormone levels, impairs fertility and aids in building up of breast milk during pregnancy. A chemical found in nail polish – TPHP (Triphenyl phosphate) is immediately metabolized to DPHP (diphenyl phosphate) and can put women at an elevated risk of fertility problems.

Exposure to these chemicals puts you at a higher risk of miscarrying and the baby at risk for physical and mental birth defects. The defects may include preterm birth, increased chances of miscarriage, learning problems and cognitive impairment, behavioral issues and even damage to the kidney, brain and the nervous system.

“So, we need to give a thought about the safety of the products before we use them. Excess use of beauty products can be disastrous to pregnancy and the chances of conceiving may reduce drastically owing to their serious effects on reproductive environment. Though IVF treatments help in conceiving, avoiding use of such chemicals is advisable, as even after conception, continued excess usage can cause miscarriage and birth defects.” Added Dr Gupta.