Every year all the people who are in love wait for this day. But if it’s your first Valentine’s with your long time crush and you want it just perfect – we are here to help you.
While you are proposing someone or taking someone out on a date we will give you with some exotic place where you can celebrate your valentine’s day.
Let’s take a look at a few restaurants you can choose from to impress all this Valentine’s Day date.
1. Olive Bar and Kitchen, Khar
USP: Great Valentine’s Day Party, nice music and a treat to match your partner’s foot in a romantic dance.
2. Gostana, Bandra West
USP: Hands down, the best place to relax in peace, enjoy yummy burgers, read together with your favourite book.
3. Pali Village Cafe, Pali Hill
USP: A quiet romantic candlelight dinner with an array of wonderful dishes. The vintage and rustic ambiance is an added plus point.
4. Cafe Mangii, Powai
USP: Guilt-free, yummy pizzas and wine. This particular outlet from the many of the chain, has a beautiful lake facing seats.
5. Bayview, Colaba
USP: The beautiful sea outstretched, Gateway of India view from The Strand Hotel rooftop and cheap alcohol and candle light dinner.
Do let us know what are your plans for this Valentine in the comment section below. For more updates from the world of love stay tuned to the brunette diaries.
Once your pregnancy is confirmed, there are several precautions you are bound to consider. There are umpteen books that guide and provide a step-by-step process and there is your family to shower loads of love till the tiny one finally enters the world.
Here are five things you should do without fail when you are pregnant.
1: Visit the doctor regularly
Your pre-natal appointments are important as they help to run a check on your vitals. It is essential to know the health condition of your baby from time to time; this determines how well you are doing. The doctor will assist you through your medications and prescribe necessary vitamins that may be lacking in your body. Therefore, prioritise appointments with your doctor.
2:Get your recommended dose of folic acid every day
What you eat will help in your baby’s growth. Therefore, having quality amount of folic acid in the food you consume is important. Folic acid reduces heart and spinal problems for the baby. Studies have shown that women who eat food rich in folic acid before and during their pregnancy have the least chance of having a baby with neural tube defect. Spinach, sprouts and green beans are rich in folic acid, but this is not enough for the baby. Women suffering from medical issues like diabetes and sickle cell disease have to consume food highly rich in folic acid. It is better you consult your doctor to get the prescription for the daily dose of folic acid in your food.
3: It is important to stay relaxed
It is a common fact that women attend to household chores while men work. There might be situations when the washing machine, phone and food need attention at the same time. It is important for pregnant women to stay calm and take things at ease. If it is necessary for you to do the cleaning and washing, do them one at a time. Make sure you take frequent breaks to rest. Stress increases the chances of premature birth and, in some cases, abnormal baby. If you need help, join a local support group for pregnant women. Interacting with them can make you feel light. Who knows, they might have the same problems that you have. Sharing is caring; share your problems with them. In that way, you can make friends as well as be stress-free.
If you are a working woman, do not sit in front of your desk the whole day. Take frequent breaks and walk along the corridor of your office for some time. Excessive use of mobile phones, computers and other electronic gadgets does no good to your baby. Take snacks to office. Being pregnant can cause morning sickness; small snacks help you through such situations. Most important of all, do not forget to drink a lot of water.
4: Don’t be idle in your free time
Make the most out of your free time. Be it reading books or watching movies. Make sure it is the most entertaining hobby in your list. Watch a comedy film and laugh out loud. When the mother is happy, the baby automatically tends to be happy; this is the beauty of bearing a child. If you find joy in shopping, then retail therapy it is. Do anything, but do not sit idle in your free time. It will eventually end up as stress which is no good to you and your baby.
5: Have your own pregnancy photo shoot
Memories last a life time. Have a photo shoot every month to know the gradual growth of your baby’s temporary residence – your tummy. Else, take pictures with your family, friends and other relatives and don’t forget to focus the camera on your bump. Baby shower is the best time to click pictures. Proudly flaunt your bump in front of the camera and record your memories. Looking back at these pictures will give you a proud feeling. A miracle is inside your tummy. You are bearing a tiny baby in your womb. Who knows, tomorrow when your child grows up, he/she may want to see your gleaming face when you were pregnant with them.
Everyone loves animals. Do I hear a no? Okay, there may be some people who dislike them, but majority of the world’s population love animals and some people even have them as pets at home. Be it parrots, guinea pigs, cats, dogs or even lion cubs, there are a variety of animals and birds that can be kept as pets at home. However, dogs seem to top the pet list worldwide.
The way they yelp for food, their bum wobbling when they play, their sad face for locking them in the kennel, the excitement they show when they see you after long hours, getting petrified of their own fart noise, hiding under our legs when lightning strikes and much more. Can you name one thing that you don’t find to be cute in your furry ball of joy? Initially, they might be a headache; but, they capture our hearts soon enough and become a part of our family.
With so much ‘dog’ertainment that we get, the least we can do is to tend to their needs. Once we bring them home, they are under our protection. It is important for us to know what is right and wrong for the puppy’s growth. If you are a first timer, here are a few essential tips that will help you take good care of your four-legged buddy.
Do you have the essentials?
Your pet might be a part of your family, but he is still an animal. It is mandatory to keep his things separate from yours. Feeding bowl, water bowl, comb, brush, shampoo, towel, collar and leash have to be washed regularly and kept aside. Do not mix your stuff with his. It is not good for your health and your puppy’s.
Did you puppy-proof your house?
It is important to puppy-proof your house, lest it keeps on chewing your stuff during its teething phase. Keep things at a higher level so that the naughty little one is unable to reach there. Be it kitchenware, shoes, clothes, combs or the kinds; don’t make it accessible for your puppy.
Do you take him to the vet regularly?
Initially, your puppy needs a few vaccinations to ensure that doesn’t face any health issues. Also, even if he is in the pink of health, make sure you visit the vet on a regularly basis, mainly because, even though he may seem fine he doesn’t ‘talk’ to tell us his invisible body problems.
Do you groom him from time-to-time?
If your puppy is furry, it is important for you to groom him from time-to-time. Otherwise, his hair can easily get knotted up and give him a lot of pain when you decide to sit one fine day to comb his fur. Also, clean and bathe him frequently as per the vet’s instructions. Make sure you keep a tab of fleas and other pests that may be clinging on to your pet’s body.
Do you know that human food is toxic to your puppy?
By feeding your puppy with food that you consume, you are intoxicating him. It might be difficult for you to gobble chips when he is sitting right in front you waiting for you to throw him at least one piece. But, don’t feed him. When you are eating, either keep him in his kennel or train him to not ask for your food.
Having a dog as a family member is a wonderful feeling. You can love him or abuse him; but, at the end of the day, he will still love you unconditionally. Let’s not do the latter, and be faithful to him, as he is to us.
Children always fancy owning pets at home. Many children pester their parents to gift kittens and puppies for their birthdays. If you are a pet lover and have approved the idea of owning one at home, here are a few tips and ideas to help you initiate an amicable relationship between your children and the four-footed newcomer.
Deciding on the pet
Now that you have decided to own a pet, it is important for you to know which kind you want to adopt. First, you must know that a bigger pet requires a bigger house. If your house is small and if you think dogs may eventually find it difficult to walk around, buy goldfish or guinea pigs. Fishes stay in tanks, thus requiring a small space. Also, take into consideration your children’s age. Children need to get along with pets at home; therefore it is important for you to think about your children’s age before you allow the two to bond with each other.
Train your pet to maintain routines
Prepare pet schedule that will help you train your pet on a daily basis. Allow your children to help you in the process. Make them do small work like changing water or feeding your pet. In this way, your children can lay a foundation to new friendship with their pet. Take your children along with you while visiting the vet for routine check-ups.
Don’t be rude
If your children forget to feed the pet or walk him in the evening, don’t shout or punish them. Allow your children to make mistakes. Explain the consequences to them. They understand facts faster when explained patiently rather than with a rough tone. This way, help them understand and learn things. By handling the situation calmly, you are reassuring the bond between your children and your pet. Encourage them to apologise to your pet for forgetting to feed it. Making conversations with your pets helps in bonding better.
Teach team work to your kids
Divide the work among your children and give them individual work to bond with the pet. Ask one kid to feed the pet time-to-time while the other does potty training. Exchange the schedules on a weekly basis and make sure they actively participate in the bonding process.
Timely check on your kid’s behaviour towards the pet
While some children jump in joy to welcome the newcomer, others may not like the sudden attention that your new pet receives. Some children show their anger by throwing things at the pet. During situations like this, sit and explain the benefits of having a pet at home. Ensure that the pet can be a best friend to your child provided he is treated well. Also, monitor your child time-to-time to ensure that he treats your pet well.
Don’t forget to click pictures of your children bonding with the pet. Children and pets are the cutest combination ever and capturing those moments will be the best way of freezing it.
“Stop it! Stop barking you little pest!” How would you like to be treated that way? Well, dogs have emotions too. Not as much as we humans do, but if we call them man’s best friend, then we ought to treat them that way. Here are a few things that we say and do to our dogs that can crush their spirit.
Hitting a dog will make him fear you
Dominance and animal submission is a very outdated belief and training method. Hitting a dog does nothing but teach him that you are to be feared. Love is lost between you and the dog and he will not be the friend to you that you want him to be.
Take your dog’s food away while he is eating
Dogs should be left alone when eating. Many people view a dog who growls when eating as being greedy, but this is just a dog being a dog. Some dogs will bite out of fear or confusion, so let them eat in peace.
Not taking your dog for walks
Ignoring your dog in this way is going to make him feel lonely and unloved. A dog that is unloved will not love back. If you want something that lives yet requires no attention, other than to give it water and occasional sunlight, get a houseplant and not a pet.
Leaving the dog alone
Leaving your dog alone for excessively long periods of time is going to crush his spirit severely. If you are going out for a long time, seek the services of a family member, friend, neighbour, pet sitter, or dog crèche if you must leave the dog for long hours at a time. Nothing destroys a dog’s spirit like emptiness, so don’t do it.
The more you love your dog the more will he love you
If you own a dog, don’t own it! Be a friend, be a parent, but don’t be a boss. A dog is man’s best friend, not a slave!